Story time

I used to write fan fiction. A lot. These were the days when I was finishing secondary school or sometime starting college, I used to write reams and reams of stuff. It embarrassingly started off with Westlife stories, then I discovered the world of Nsync fan fiction and I was sold.

When I was in 4th year in secondary school, a story that I had written about a girl named Laura {clearly based on myself} who was originally Irish moved to NY to work in MTV. There she met Justin Timberlake and the entire Nsync gang, a whole whirlwind relationship followed and it was awful. But at the time, writing a new chapter every night it was great. The story got passed around the entire year, I would have classmates coming up to me asking, 'Where's Chapter 4 etc.' Horrifically I remember a teacher coming up and asking if she could read it. I'm pretty sure I finished it up quickly there and then.

After Nsync I moved onto Orlando Bloom and alternated writing Tennis fan fiction {mainly Andy Roddick & Marat Safin}. It's funny how I spent so many hours writing these god awful stories, and they were god awful, yet thinking they were the bees knees.

I wrote a short YA story last year, with the intention of turning it into a full length novel, and actually it did have promise. But as I've grown older, i've became so much more aware of what I should be writing and how to go about it. Whereas in the old days I used to jump from 1st person narrative to 3rd person narrative without a care in the world. Now I've became a little bit more particular.

Having just co-written a group thesis with 7 other people, of which it had to be 10,000 words. I'm shocked and immensely proud to discover that I wrote an Andy Roddick/Marat Safin fan fiction piece that sprawled over 112 pages and here's the big figure, came in at 32,000 words! Holy shit! An average novel is 50-70,000 words. And I remember writing this story extremely quickly over perhaps a period of a few days.

I think I deserve a virtual high-five.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to read this tome.


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