
Apologies for the ridiculously long delay in writing a new post. To be honest not much has been happening in my Library world.

I still work as a temporary part time library assistant {phew - what a job title!}, although for the past 3 weeks and for the next 5 weeks I am full time, working 35 hours plus overtime at the weekends. It's great to be getting the extra hours. I know work 2pm-10pm, and thankfully I have a car, if I didn't I think I'd hate working till 10pm every night. Especially as the area I work in, is particularly dodgy.

The role is only temporary, as the person who used to do the evenings, has left on a 2 year career break. I'd imagine when the role starts up again in October, they'll get someone new to fill it. So a potential job could be made out here in Trinity!

Lately I've been questioning the value of the Masters in Library & Information Studies. I loved the course, it was probably one of my favourite things that I have done.Yet value wise, I have received nothing out of it. I don't know why employers are demanding that you have the qualification. In my particular role, everything I've learn't about the role has been from working here, or from previous other jobs.  I've thought about the course a lot and what it may have bought to my current job and I geniunely think it is nothing.

I certainly don't get paid anything more. Actually I lie. I do get paid more. 3 cent more. Yup. My five thousand euro Masters earned me a 3 cent raise in my current job. Woo-hoo!

I think, if you have completed either the Masters or the Post Graduate Diploma, you should earn more money than those without the qualification. Why should someone who has 2 years more experience than me, have not only an Assistant Librarian job, and earn DOUBLE my yearly salary and yet no librarian qualification. Something is not right.

Anywho job wise, I'm very happy. Yet surprisingly on the lookout for other work. If there was a full time job here in my current library, I'd honestly stay here, probably until retirement to my private island. But it's very frustrating being on temporary part time contracts. The part time thing mostly. I've got a year and half experience under my belt altogether, I would love nothing more than to earn a full time wage. In your late 20s, still living at home is quite depressing, but on a part time wage it's impossible, unless you have yet another part time job to support the mere idea of moving out and spreading ones wings.

It's a vicious circle.  And sadly, a full time job looks unlikely, unless you move away to greener pastures.

Hopefully one day, in the future, a full time librarian job won't be an impossible thing.


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