Rejection letter's keep a comin'

So there I am. Happy happy, bags are packed for Spain in the morning. I've done all the final checks, got my passport, boarding cards, money, iPod, etc. Everything is just peachy, my biggest concern at that moment is that I don't have an alarm clock to wake me up. Oh wells.

One final check of the emails before I jump into bed. Oh look, an email from Publishing Ireland, an interview I attended last Tuesday and which I felt had gone really really really really well. Of course it being sent at 9.45pm, didn't bode well. No acceptance letter is sent at that time. I reluctantly opened it with a sigh, and boom, there they were. Those stupid horrible little words all strung together 'I regret to say that on this occasion you have not been successful...'

Well it's definitely cemented my desire to move abroad. But for the moment, excuse me whilst I jet off to Spain in the AM. Now where's that tequila to drown my sorrows.


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