Library Assistant

As I finish off my 2nd week in my new job as a library assistant, I'd like to reflect on what i've learnt thus far.

The role of the library assistant can include; shelving, serving customers/clients {whatever you want to call those folks who check out books}, processing new books, tidying shelves, helping customers locate items, answering phones, sending & responding to emails, handling cash/fines, processing inter library loans, collecting mail and asking doctors to put away their stethoscopes.

It's been an interesting two weeks. The most difficult part has been learning how to operate their LMS, which in my case is Millennium, and it is very user friendly, but occasionally a few messages pop up and make me scratch my head.

The college I work with, also have a sort of medieval approach to students taking out books.

Step 1: Take book from student.

Step 2: Ask student for their card.

Step 3: Scan card.

Step 4: Scan barcode of book.

Now this is where it get's slightly more interesting. {Yawn}

Step 5: The book then needs to be stamped. Yes apparently some institutes still stamp books. What is perplexing about this job is, that there are 3 different stampers.

1- Undergraduates. This is a week loan.

2- Postgraduates. This is a 4 week loan.

3. Staff. This is a 12 week loan.

Wouldn't it be a lot less confusing to just get a printer and print out the receipt of when they're due back? Should I ever get the opportunity to speak up about advances in this college's library world, it's something I would broach. Stamping is quite dated, non?

The job is fine at the end of the day. It's very basic and entry level. There is no need for my recently required Masters degree. For me, it's a foothold. For something better and brighter to come along. I've discovered since starting and finishing my course that I am hugely ambitious. I never thought that of myself until recently. But I desire to succeed. I want to do well, to provide for myself and the people I love. Perhaps being a Head Librarian isn't so unachievable at all ;)


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