Almost there...

As my first year comes almost to an end its been a very interesting ride.

I have learnt a hell of a lot. And I am so so so ready for next year to start. I can't wait to put what I've learnt into practice and refine it. And the fantastic part is I am still learning. That is the beauty of this job, it never gets dull. No two days are ever the same.

My goals for next year are to implement blogs into the library. I established one, but I just have not had a second to spare to do it. I promise I will be updating that and this more regularly. Im so bad at that. I need to be more regimented because I see all the examples out there of people who do the most amazing work and its just so inspiring.

In terms of my school library we got 10 iPads which are glorious. I adore them and have been using them so much with my MYP students. Again I cannot wait for next year to use them with the PYPs. The only app I've used with the PYP is 'Don't let the Pigeon Run this App'. Brilliant! Highly recommend it. They keep asking to do it again and again.

My smart TV is fantastic as well. Again so looking forward to using it more than just a noticeboard.

But more importantly bring on the summer holidays! 3 weeks and a few days to go!



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