Read Write Think!

Today I discovered ReadWriteThink and it has changed my life! There are so many fantastic lesson plans in there for a library. I started with my MYP 2 ATL class their lesson plan on creating a Book Trailer. The MYP 2's are a low level English speaking class. They constantly speak Chinese in the class which drives myself and the other teachers crazy. You spend 3/4 of the class repeating the same phrase over and over again"Please speak English!".

So I thought I'd do something fun with them for the next 6 or so weeks making book trailers. We discussed what a good movie trailer looks like, what we expect when we go to the movie theatre and what the advertisement sells us in terms of entertainment. They panicked when I said they'd have to read a book in a week, so we compromised and they only had to read a Children's picture book for next week to discuss and present as there book trailer book.

I'm going to do the same activity with MYP 1 who are fantastic and will relish the opportunity to do something fun like this. Can't wait to see their reaction!

This week I've been reading to PYP 1 & 2 Winnie the Witch. Valerie Thomas is our Author of the Month and we've been celebrating her by reading Winnie at each lesson. The students absolutely love her. Its my first time in about 20 or so years that I've reacquainted myself with Winnie. I really am loving her books and clearly the students are too as they try to take the books out by the armful!


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