1 Month In

It's amazing really how quickly time flies. I've now been employed in my current job for an entire month. I have 2 weeks left until my Christmas Holidays, and then we'll be into 2012 when we come back. Initially I was quite disappointed with the role, but I've actually grown to love it. I really enjoy what I'm doing, the shelving, getting to know where the books are kept, especially the Occupational Therapy ones, which most of the students seem to use.

Helping the students is great, they seem to be mainly older, possibly 3rd or 4th year students, they know how the library works, so they don't seem to ask for help as much, but the new staff or occasional unfamiliar student will unhesitatingly approach the desk and ask for help.

The LMS in the library is Millennium, it's very easy and very very user friendly. Touch wood, it doesn't act up. But I think i've come to grips with it.

I try to stay away from the problems that staff members have with each other. I do not want to get involved, so listen to each side and try not to comment on the situation. I personally don't like the position I've been put in, but I think, they see as someone new with no background information, that it's ok to spill their guts out to me. I listen, then immediately dismiss it.

The library is quite compact and small. Room for around 80 students to study. And when its busy, you really feel it heave. I really enjoy coming in to work at 1pm to find it heaving and throbbing with people. It makes you feel quite useful.

The aspects what I really enjoy about the job are the times I get to look after the library on my own. This is either in the late afternoon when my supervisor and boss have gone home, or the odd occasions when I've been asked to work in the evenings or on a Saturday morning. I love love love working then. I get to be my own little boss. But I guess, who doesn't in the situation?

I've applied and been accepted to a job fair run by Search Associates in London, 19th-23rd. At the moment, it's really to see how the whole process works of being employed in a school library overseas. I'm not necessarily looking for a position, but it's something I would absolutely love to do in the future. I think I need a few more qualifications or experience under my belt to be taken seriously. And should something arise from the fair, I'll definitely give it consideration, heck I'd probably take anything that was offered to me! Even if it was in Iraq. Well possibly :)


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