The International Librarian
This post was introduced to me by a college friend. Frankly it was a position that I hadn't even been aware of. Librarian posts in International schools. It has been difficult researching the actual requirements that are expected from you, it varies from, all you need is your MLIS, to, you need to have a teaching diploma/certificate/degree etc. So be prepared when looking at job specs. 'Going International' a fabulous article from the Library Journal by Sarah Prescott, answers questions about the international librarian posts. It has a wealth of links to job sites, articles etc. An absolute must read. Another equally great read is 'A Well Kept Secret: How to become an International School Librarian' by Laura Sanders {and originally posted on the terrific Hack School Library Blog}, this was the article that initially lead me to researching the role of an international librarian. A number of International Teaching career fairs take place around the globe, b...